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Sex education at Primary school level can be a delicate matter. Preparing children for their upcoming teen years not only involves providing practical information about issues associated with sexual development and activity, but also, importantly, information about relationships.
At this stage in their development, in order to protect their health and well-being, children should be guided with factual rationale to delay intimate sexual activity until adulthood and encouraged in the practise of the safest possible sexual health. This is the objective of beGinnings
The disclosure of age-appropriate information is a prime consideration with young children in regards to sex education and for this reason beGINNINGS is divided into two separate levels and recommended for the following age groups:
Level 1 – Years 5 or 6 & Level 2 – Years 6 or 7
Both programs tactfully and meaningfully address the benefits of wise sexual health choices and warn of the consequences of risk-taking behaviour.