Genesis is a Christian organisation.
Christ is the heart behind all we do.

We believe we are responsible to reflect and share His LOVE and care for life and humanity.  In a world that is desperately in need of HOPE and meaning,
we share His supreme value for all human LIFE.

To that end, we have developed HEARTS 4 LIFE as a resource that God’s Church may use to access services, programs and initiatives to inspire their people to uphold and support Christ’s high regard for LIFE.

Hearts for Life is any easy reference point which provides churches with links to like-minded organisations who can help to equip them and motivate their people to elevate the preciousness of human life in an intentional and effective way.


The following resources provide free and easy access to structured education and supported opportunities for churches to engage with the community in practical ways that encourage the choice for LIFE.

We invite you to use the links below to explore how you can make a difference through your church and discover how you can become proactive about LIFE.


Access to free training resources,
video library and curriculum.
Journey of a Life-Giver
course in-person or virtual
training available.

Juli Sharpe

LIFE International Academy is a learning hub operated by LIFE International to provide free access to valuable resources and training materials, and to facilitate interaction between the leaders with whom we partner worldwide. We want to empower you to engage in the mission to see human life be fully valued–from conception to natural death, to help women and men find total healing after the anguish and guilt of abortion, and for people everywhere to experience abundant life in Jesus Christ.


Offering free:
 Counselling, material assistance,
parenting programs, post abortion
healing retreats, education

Juli Sharpe

Genesis Pregnancy Support provides practical and emotional support for women experiencing an unplanned or unsupported pregnancy. As your church reaches out to offer these women love and care, we are available to help you, help her. We can also offer speakers to address your people about the issues surrounding unplanned pregnancy and abortion in a compassionate and sensitive manner. We know the subject is delicate and we are here to help you.


A national network of churches and life-affirming ministries working together in unity, to share the hope of the Gospel and extending the support of the church to our neighbours who are in need of refuge from their life circumstances.

Desiring to:
– Stop abortions from taking place among those who are attending our churches.
– Help those who have had an abortion to find healing rather than suffer in silence.
– Position the church for hurting families to run to them, instead of the abortion clinic.


Sadly, for many women, accessing hope and support during difficult pregnancy circumstances isn’t possible. Pregnancy Help Hubs are scarce in Australia; leaving numerous suburbs and towns without these crucial centres. As a result, women often can’t access the vital social, emotional and practical support needed to navigate pregnancy and embrace motherhood confidently and safely. Together, we can change this?

Are you interested in opening a ‘Hub of Love’, a dedicated pregnancy help centre in your local community? We are here to help with practical start-up tools, coaching and access to the latest resources. With our support, your dream of creating a nurturing ‘hub of love’ in your neighbourhood can become a reality. 



Free services include:

24hr telephone counselling or
in-person appointments.
Pregnancy testing, information and access to material assistance.

Our Vision is that anyone wanting to talk about pregnancy related issues or pregnancy loss can readily access emotional support through compassionate, confidential, non-judgmental and cost-free services.

If a woman is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy she can call 24/7 and find a compassionate listening ear.

CONTACT: 1300 655 156


Our goal is to see many Christians well prepared for meaningful, satisfying and joyful lives, conscious of God’s good design, aware of world realities, equipped to flourish in the midst of turmoil.


The Wiseberg Academy is a school of Christian wisdom created to bless with God’s wisdom in all aspects of life; as individuals, in relationships, in economic activities and in life in the community of God’s saints.

Free video and audio courses in:
– Wisdom 4 your Life: identity & meaning
– Wisdom 4 Relationships: God’s design
– Wisdom for Workplace: and more.


We are a diverse and courageous community of Christians pursuing God’s glory in every arena of life for the good of the world.


The Colson Fellows is an educational and personal development program for men and women with busy, complex lives. The program combines spiritual formation and worldview development through a combination of reading, online learning and monthly meetings with your peers to provide an intense and rewarding experience.


Our zoom reading groups provide support and instruction on the meaning and magnificence of marriage.

AUST CONTACT: Leanne Liang

By bringing people face to face to engage in the art of conversation with others, we explore the various issues affecting the marriage culture in a calm, thoughtful setting, free from the hostilities often found in today’s public discourse. We are a forward-thinking and solutions-focused network of friends for marriage.

Marriage is a comprehensive, permanent, and exclusive union between one man and one woman.

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