When in human history has degrading pornography been available
with the click of a button on a device that fits in our pockets?…NEVER
Why is it that our culture speaks out against rape and abuse, and yet openly accepts and consumes
pornography that depicts both and worse? Pornography glorifies violence towards women in
particular, undermines the concept of consent and is devoid of relationship intimacy and romance.
It is consumed prolifically by men and fosters expectations and attitudes that are completely
detrimental to healthy fulfilling relationships.
Pornography is to sex what toilet graffiti is to art. And so, as with abortion, the practise carries with
it secrecy and shame. And like abortion, this then stands in the way of open, non-judgemental
conversation that can provide the support and help to begin the recovery process. Without this
openness, the problem remains hidden and unaddressed and it’s victims, curious users and
vulnerable youth, become isolated, locked in and even addicts.
THE PORNOGRAPHY PANDEMIC presentation is conducted by experienced facilitators:
Session includes Q&A
90min Session
– Exposure statistics
– Affects on behaviour & attitudes
– Degrading our identity
– Promotion of violence
– Brain change & addiction
– Personal impacts
– The spiritual side
– The porn industry
– Progressive moral decline
– The thief & the trap
– God & sex, stories & forgiveness