The consequences of the cultural acceptance of casual sex are
profoundly more serious than is generally considered or realised.
Casual sex is now widely accepted and it’s negative outcomes commonly minimised and adapted
to. But the emotional and physical consequences are often life-changing and heart-breaking.
The trauma of an unexpected pregnancy is devastating for a woman and the choices she is faced
with are difficult and have lifelong impact. Men also face significant implications and yet little is
known about the risks and consequences that accompany sexual freedom.
Abortion is presented by the culture as the acceptable remedy for an unwanted pregnancy but the
reality of the experience and the procedure is never addressed. This does not facilitate FULLY
INFORMED decision making and the silence around the subject leaves our women and youth
without the truth and far more vulnerable to misinformation and misguidance. God’s perspective
on the subject is protective, preventative and absolutely essential.
UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY & ABORTION presentation is conducted by experienced facilitators:
Session includes Q&A
90min Session
– Casual sex & contraception
– Unplanned pregnancy & STIs
– God and unplanned pregnancy
– Pro-life vs Pro-choice
– SA abortion laws
– Abortion myths
– Madeleine’s story
– Medical abortion
– Surgical abortion
– God and abortion
– God and forgiveness