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Animal Hook Ups – PURCHASE

$22.00 incl. GST

Animal mating habits that make you glad you’re human.
6 Animal flash cards
6 Animal mating rituals cards
1 Unique qualities descriptions card for discussion

Availability: 2 in stock


To introduce students to 6 special qualities that separate us from animals, that are uniquely human and should be safeguarded.

This activity is used as a light-hearted way of leading into the discussion about the unique qualities that we possess as humans, that can ensure our sexual engagement is fulfilling, meaningful and physically and emotionally safe.

As students are informed to expect gradually increasing interest in engaging at various personal levels with others that they are attracted to, the way that we determine how, when and with whom we will ultimately have a sexual relationship is very different to what happens with animals.

Students are shown pictures of 6 different animals whilst their peculiar and amusing mating habits are read aloud. This is accompanied with the repeated mantra of ‘Aren’t you glad you’re not an animal!’

  • Choice, Emotions, Values, Privacy, Self Control, Love.
    (see concepts expanded on in ‘What Makes Us So Special’ activity)

6 Animal flash cards
6 Animal mating rituals cards
1 Unique qualities descriptions card for discussion


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